Lake Waconia Recap
Post date: Jan 26, 2012 1:40:32 PM
Weather: high of 30 deg, 20mph wind, snow/sleet mix : low 20 degrees
Fishing: Small panfish active all day : perch in large numbers
Teams: 11
Ice condition: 10"-14" - Little snow cover
1st place was awarded to Krappie Krahl & Piss Drunk Paul with 3.20#, big fish .35#, 15 fish.
2nd place went to Slab Slayers with 3.15#, big fish .45#, 15 fish.
3rd place taken by Beeracuda's with 3.1#, big fish .45#, 15 fish.
for a full run down check out the standings page.
Our next tourney is February 19th on Lake Minnetonka. You'll find all the details on the Lake Minnetonka, including lake info and links to the MN DNR lake maps and surveys.
A special thanks goes out to all of our sponsors, for making the tourney a quality time!