Whatetail Tourney Moved To Mille Lacs Lake
Post date: Mar 7, 2012 3:51:37 AM
This season has been one of the warmest in the last 100 years, and as a result, metro lake ice is in poor shape. The league has moved our Whaletail tournament, scheduled for March 11th, to Mille Lacs Lake. We will start the tourney out of Chapman's Mille Lacs Resort. The resort is in Isle, on Isle bay. The start time has also been changed, to 9 am, to allow members time for the extra driving distance. There is a $10 launch fee, but Chapman's is well known for keeping their roads open the latest, and the staff are excellent to work with. All participating teams must launch from Chapman's, but are allowed to fish as far out on the lake as they see fit. The tourney end time has also been extended to 3pm, and will occur on the ice in front of Chapman's. Please pick up your bait on route, as Chapman's does not offer live bait.
A few additional items....
We will finalize details for league members to get together after the tourney. Currently, we are planning on Buzzie's on the Bay.
To any team unable to attend, you have a few options, but all teams unable to attend need to do one of the following by Saturday, March 10th by Midnight.
1. If you would like your entry fee refunded to you, send an email stating you'd like a refund to info@mnpan.com , include the address you'd like the check sent.
2. If you would like your entry fee forwarded to next year's dues, send an email stating you'd like to forward your dues to info@mnpan.com.
3. Do nothing. You'll receive points equal to last place and your entry fee will be included in the Mille Lacs Tourney Payouts on March 11th.
See you all on the ice!