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1. All rules and regulations of the state of Minnesota MUST BE OBSERVED AND FOLLOWED AT ALL TIMES and overrides all rules below.

2. Teams: 2 anglers per team (you may fish alone if you choose).

3. Maximum 25 teams per event.

4. Events will start at 8am and finish at 2pm. Teams must be at weigh station at 2pm SHARP. Late arrivals will be deducted 1 lb per minute. League officials reserve the right to determine deductions.

5. Pre-fishing is allowed until 11:29pm the day before the event – NO pre-drilling, pre-fishing, or use of fishing electronics before the start of the of the event. NO EXCEPTIONS. Teams found in violation will be DQ'd without refund.

6. Team members must be within 30 yards of one another at all times.

7. Teams may not fish within 10 yards of another team.

8. Permanent fish houses are not allowed – portable fish houses are acceptable.

9. Two substitutions per team on the same event is not allowed (1 member must fish). All substitutions must have submitted a completed sign-up and waiver form to a league official, prior to start of the event.

10. If a tournament is canceled, it will be made up on the make up date.

11. Latecomers MUST notify league officials prior to event start and MUST check-in with a league official when you arrive. THIS IS MANDATORY.

12. Be honorable and respectful, no jerks, no a-holes.

13. Cross-team communication or networking is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to texts, phone calls, Facebook messages or status, other social networking sites, smoke signals, hand gestures, rescue dog messages, messages in bottles, remote control submarine couriers, planes pulling banners, etc. If proven, all teams involved will be disqualified, publicly humiliated, and we’ll call your parents.

14. League officials reserve the right to disqualify any team found in defiance of the rules or state regulations.

15. Have fun. Seriously, have fun.


15 Fish TOTAL for Weigh-in

1. Pan fish are specified as Crappie, Sunfish, or Perch.

2. Not more than 8 of a single species allowed for weigh-in.

3. Minimum size: 6”

4. All state regulations regarding size and limits for the particular body of water must be followed at all times.

5. We promote catch and release, so please be prepared and bring live fish to weigh-ins.